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Car crash

A man in the city of Caledonia struck by a car this morning. Carl Weston was crossing Broadmoor road on 84th st. with a green light when a car ran their red light, coliding with Weston Weston was thrown from his bike and severely injured. Westons bike was thrown into a passing car and lodged into the right side passenger window. The vehicle that hit Weston was barely damaged.

Roads in Caledonia are very dangerous during rush hours or right after school gets out. Drivers need the always be aware of their surroundings and ensure they are being cautious of those around them on the road. The best way to prevent a crash is to only go the posted speed limit for the area your are driving in and to drive with care and caution.

We spoke with the driver of the vehicle who collided with Weston. He told us about his experience with this incident. "One second I was driving down the road casually on my way to work, then he appeared out of thin air. I wasnt even expecting someone to jump out in front of me like that.